Healthy Herd Consulting stands firmly against oppression in all its forms and commits to ethical consistency.

There is no tolerance of racism, sexism, xenophobia, fatphobia, classism, homophobia, transphobia, or gender identity or expression discrimination in our space.

As Julia Feliz Brueck writes in Veganism in an Oppressive World, “Remember that working against racism and all other ‘-isms’ is part of creating a just and fair society for all.”

We acknowledge the knowledge deficit and inherent prejudices surrounding our privileges.

One aspect of Healthy Herd Consulting’s action plan is to offering sponsored services to BIPOC-led sanctuaries and individuals. One of the only reasons I was able to jumpstart my career caring for farmed animals is that I had the resources to commit to living for three months without pay at a sanctuary in a white, rural town. I felt comfortable and supported there. To apply for sponsored consulting, email